Monday, September 21, 2009

Muy Muy Buenos Aires!

ok ok, i know i never came close to keeping up with the turkish blog and i wasn't going to start a new one without finishing it up, but wow! buenos aires! i'll finish the other one soon...ish?! sorry!!

so b-e-a-u-ti-ful buenos aires!! where to start?! it all really began on my 26 hour flight to ba! on my flight from lax to mex city, i was seated next to 2 guys my age. I heard them talking about their connecting flight and it sounded a lot like mine. so i decided to ask and sure enough, they were on my flight to ba hoping to become teachers, have no place to stay, barely know spanish -uhhhh hello -am i talking to a mirror here?!! haha! minus the no place to stay bit only because my amazing mom freaked out last minute and rented me a place for a short bit (thanks mom!)! so we hung out for the rest of the day (super long lay over in mex city) and sure enough, we were seated one seat away from ea other on our trip to argentina! weird?! after spending the day with them, i decided that these guys were chill, super nice, and trustworthy; so i told them they could stay with me. i was arriving on thurs and my 2 friends weren’t going to get in until the following wed, so i had 2 beds to spare! perfecto.

when we arrived in ba, our bags even came out one after the other! now that tops the crazy coincidence cherry on top! oh no wait: they’re best friends named: joe and joey! now i know what it’s like for people to hang out with “the katies”!

we’ve been having so much fun and it’s only monday! we went out with some argentinians on friday -joe knows of this argentine guy through a friend. he had us over for dinner and then took us out to a club. eating late here is weird but then you go dance your ass off all night, so i could very well get used to this lifestyle! haha! saturday night we went to a bar of this guy i know of through a friend (thx willie!). another dancing extravaganza, only not so hard core as the night before! ha!

the 3 of us have become fast friends and an awesome team. as we wander around this beautiful city, where i seriously feel like i’m constantly going through all the cities of europe, we’ve decided that one of us tries to get us lost, another puts us back on track, and the other just spaces out. the roles are constantly changing and somehow we have still managed to make it where ever we were headed each time!

this city is gorgeous; especially with all of the trees aligning every street. there are beautiful buildings adding to the character. stella is brewed here, so huge bottles for stinkin cheap! the people are nice. gelato-esque ice cream on every corner. i mean it’s europe on cheap: all rolled into one and a great price! what more could you want?! and oh the soccer -can't wait to get settled and into it! fastly falling in love? i think so!!!!

man i can't wait for cassie and brian to get here -ya know, the 2 i've been planning on living with! it's gonna be so much fun!

1 comment:

  1. Those guys must wake up everyday and pinch themselves. ;) Looking forward to more pics of BA!
